Tuesday, 24 April 2012

Work in Progress

I have to admit to being unimpressed with this work in progress session. Naturally it was done in alphabetical order, and being a 'W' I was the last to show my work. In theory it should have been very helpful, we were asked to take notes on what the tutors said about the work of the person to our left. That way we could listen to what they were saying whilst someone else was noting it down for you to re-visit later.

However, being the last person, and having a fair amount to show, I really didn't get the feedback I wanted. I felt like I was being rushed through my explanations and images weren't looked at or considered properly. My feedback notes consisted of one line - more images in the mock up book, which I feel is a fairly obvious thing to point out.

So I feel at this point in time I am either fantastically on track or flying off the rails. Who knows. I will arrange a one on one tutorial soon to find this out.

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