Thursday, 26 April 2012


Image 1 - Photo collage and ink

Image 2 - Photo collage and ink
Image 3 - Photo collage and ink
Having collected a body of photographs from my research I decided to create my own buildings out of pieces from the photographs. Here are some of the results. I feel they have an incredibly science fiction feel about them, even though all of the parts used would be considered old technology. I think they have the perfect look about them to be buildings within Melpomenia. I painted some buildings around the collages to give them a better grounding within their intended surroundings. I Think that in itself this technique works as it gives depth to the images. I will now draw from these collages and see how that works as I am not sure that the photography will fit in with the rest of my intended designs. However, i will not disregard the possibility that the project could evolve further.

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