Sunday, 15 April 2012

Shadows and Containers

Having worked during my life drawing session with shadows and line, I decided to go through my photographs and choose all of the relevant positions and work out the light and shadow.

I felt this was necessary as it would be a guide later for and paintings, and would be incredibly useful for planning out paper cuts.

The images themselves came out interesting though, I like the succession of changing positions, and I like the grouping of the figures together.

The black and white continues the theme of containers, It would be interesting to place some images behind them and see how they come out. I would, however, keep them as 4 separate images with all of the figures lined up together, as I feel they would be interesting enough on their own.

I also realised how similar to animation frames they looked. I will compile the images in Photoshop and create a small animation with them soon, just to see how it looks!

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