Monday, 6 February 2012

Written Proposal Tutorial

I had a tutorial with Jonny today looking at my written proposal. I think all in all my idea was well received, if not a bit vague. I looked back over my proposal to see if I could make it less vague, but honestly, I don't want to limit myself so early on in the project. I have decided I want to make a visual narrative, what form that takes I feel will evolve as I work through the project.

I had ideas of small animations, fold out books and triptych style screens. I'm not sure which of these will happen in the end, I would like to investigate the possibility of all of them in some way. Perhaps it is the case that I am setting to vague a target at the moment and I should just concentrate on one specific thing.

My Piece for the Bargate Exhibition
During the tutorial Jonny and I also put together my piece for the Bargate exhibition. The final decision was a large print with some of my double page spreads placed on it varying sizes. I was a bit unsure at first if this would look good, but so far on the screen it looks fine! Will see when it is printed out and hung in context of the gallery.

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