Having compiled my research, I began to get ideas for a story. I started making notes on ideas and came up with the basic plan of a figure, travelling through the city and finally protecting the last remaining plant.
I want to ultimately keep it ambiguous, in the sense that is it Earth in the future and therefore a social comment? Or is it just an entire work of fiction.
The figure I thought about illustrating as a robot type character, however I felt this looked incredibly cliched, so I decided to begin drawing it in a human shape. I think i will take this shape and use it as a container for mechanical parts, once again, keeping the image somewhat ambiguous. Is it a social comment on man and machine? Or is it just a robot in a science fiction setting?
For me personally, it is both. I like to keep it ambiguous so that the viewer will be able to decide for themselves. The challenge will be to make it easy to understand on both levels, or it could simply loose all meaning.
As I discovered with my last project, drawing figures without reference can look incredibly stiff and un-lifelike. I am not aiming for any form of realism, but I feel that in order to communicate my story visually with success, I will need to give my figures more of a sense or presence, movement and life. I will therefore begin working on some figure studies