Thursday, 1 March 2012

Tutorial with Derek

Today's tutorial with Derek was really helpful in terms of discovering some new and interesting illustrators. After I decided to research some of my favourite illustrations from the list of Illustrators discussed. I have to say that the work of Jonathan Rosen was the most inspiring, here is a selection of my favorite images from his portfolio;

Time Magazine, Jan 2008; An army of Chinese hackers target American military and infrastructure. Jonathan Rosen

Pages and Spreads from YOUR BODY INC. / NOV. ISSUE, INC. MAGAZINE, 2009. Jonathan Rosen

There was a lot in Rosen's portfolio that I absolutely loved, it was very difficult to choose my favourite images! The ones I have chosen I feel have a science fiction feel to them, even though they are illustrating scientific or cultural articles.

Prostrate screening NY Times OP/ED 10/11/11, Jonathan Rosen
I absolutely love the colour palate he uses, it is almost monochrome at times even though he has used lots of different colours. This has made me think about how I can adjust my own colour palette to suit the mood of my book, without using only black and white.
Pages for article on Trans-humanism for Tricycle Magazine | The Buddhist Review. 2010. Jonathan Rosen

I also really enjoyed looking through his layout pages and sketches for Sleepy Hollow, unfortunately he has asked not to link any of the images for copyright issues, however you can see some of the sketchbook pages if you follow this link;

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