Friday, 16 March 2012

Presentation Document Tutorial
Today we looked at creative CV's and how to write one. I have to admit to finding most of them over the top and difficult to understand. However, some of them were really beautifully presented. I think that a little creative flair will make an artists CV more interesting then one produced simply in word.

My current CV
I set to creating my own CV, and discovered very quickly that I didn't really have enough information to put on it! Please note that I have also left off my Telephone Number and Address for privacy reasons (I don't want it published on the internet!). I tried to make it as simple as possible, with all of the relevant information detailed, my online portfolio, skills, exhibitions and dates and education. Obviously at this point in time I am expecting to have more exhibitions in the near future that are as of yet, unconfirmed, and will hopefull have some more jobs and learn more skill to update the CV with. I think though this will be alright for now!

I tried to keep it simple in some ways, using illustrations from my self promotion so that whoever I send it too can get a quick idea of how I work. I also added a background paper texture to make it look less flat - probably irrelevant, but I think it looked better!

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