Monday, 30 January 2012

About this Blog

I have created a blog in order to document my progression through Illustration my Final Major Project at Southampton Solent University.

I have chosen the format of a Blog because I will be able to add multiple pictures, links and videos. I feel it is important for me to add videos as they are usually a major source of inspiration, whether it be a music track, or part of a movie that I find particularly inspiring.

The look of the blog itself is important as well. I want to be able to set my images within a context. By creating a skin for the blog it will mean that all of my images will be set within the desired atmosphere, in this case, a post industrial collapse of society. How I am going to portray that through a blog skin will be a challenge, but an interesting exercise all the same.

My project is set to be a narrative at the moment. I will write a proposal for it detailing some of my plans to work though during the next weeks.

My theme is Nature and Man. I want to attempt to create a world were either machine and nature co-exist ( a science fiction style evolution of the natural and man made), or man has destroyed the natural completely.

I feel they are in some ways complex themes to tackle, but I am excited about the concepts and look forward to creating some work!

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